What should I do in case of a bushfire?


1, if the fire is small, can be poured with water, buried, branches beating and other methods to put out in time.If the fire has started, be sure to evacuate immediately, and call the forest fire alarm number 12199 to report to the police, do not act as a hero!

2.When shifting to risk aversion, we must first judge the wind direction and escape against the wind.If the wind stops or there is no wind for the time being, it may be that the wind direction is going to change. Don’t be careless!

3, to choose no shrubs and other plants in the region to avoid risk.After entering the safe zone, it is necessary to quickly remove the surrounding combustibles and eliminate safety risks.

4. In addition to the damage caused by the high temperature flame, there are smoke and carbon monoxide, so if there is water around when evacuating, you can cover your mouth and nose with wet clothes.

5, when evacuating, but also pay attention to avoid cliffs, steep slopes and other dangerous terrain, try to escape to the two wings of the fire.

6. If you cannot leave the fire site in time, you can temporarily enter the fire site (referring to the forest that has been burned by fire and has not yet grown new forest land) to avoid danger, and pay attention to timely cleaning up the surrounding combustibles.

Post time: May-13-2021