Tomb Sweeping Day offers sacrifices to martyrs

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Heroes are the most shining coordinates of the nation!A hopeful nation cannot do without heroes, and a promising nation cannot do without pioneers.

Today’s prosperous China and its happy life cannot be achieved without the hard work and sacrifice of countless heroes.In times of peace, although there is no longer the rumble of fire, but there is also the choice and test of life and death.Those who resolutely charged ahead in the face of torrential floods, raging mountain fires, raging typhoons, explosive flames and other difficulties and dangers and sacrificed their lives and property to save the people will never be forgotten.

During the Qingming Festival, the emergency management system paid tribute to the martyred in various ways, expressed mourning, realized the original mission, carried forward the revolutionary tradition, and continued to forge ahead.People from all walks of life have also offered sacrifices to the martyrs to express their feelings of remembrance.

Post time: Apr-06-2021