Technical measures for forest fire prevention

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Fire Line

Fire line is an effective fire prevention measure to prevent the spread of forest fire.It can also be considered that: fire line is a kind of technical means to achieve the purpose of fire prevention, which is used to control fire sources and stop the spread and expansion of forest fires in a planned and band-like way in forest areas.

The main function of fire lines

The main function of fire lines is to separate continuous forest combustibles and to isolate the spread of fire.Primary forest, secondary forest, artificial forest and grass pond adjoin the lot, should be planned to open fire line, to prevent the fire line as a control line, once the occurrence of ground fire spread to the fire line, can prevent the spread of fire.Fire line can also be combined with forestry production, both fire line and forest road.The border section of the fire line opened in addition to the role of fire insulation, but also combined with inspection work, in inaccessible places fire line especially like a Great Wall.

The type of fire line

(1) border fire line: the northern part of China and Russia, Mongolia meet the land boundary section, in the territory of the border opened the fire line, said the border fire line.It is borne by the border fire prevention station, every year with mechanical ploughing once, so that all the soil.Border fire line requirements do not allow the leakage of tillage and broken strips, fire bandwidth is generally 60~ 100M

(2) railway fire line: is in the national railway and forest railway roadbed opened on both sides of the fire line.The train entering the forest area and the small train running in the dense forest often cause the forest fire by spraying fire, leaking fire and throwing coal. The fire can also be caused by the deignition of tiles in the grass when the train climbs the hill.Therefore, it is necessary to remove flammable materials such as weeds and trees on both sides of the roadbed before the arrival of the fire prevention period, control the spread of fire sources, and achieve the purpose of preventing forest fires caused by the train operation.The time of making railway fire lines in Northeast China is in the late summer and early autumn of each year, namely the time before the arrival of the autumn fire prevention period.The width of fire line is 50~ 100M for National Railway and 30-60m for Forest Railway

(3) Forest edge fire line: fire line set in the connection section of forest and grassland (grassland), combined with roads, rivers and other natural conditions.To prevent forest and grassland fires from interacting.Its width is 30~50M.

(4) forest fire line: is the fire line opened in the coniferous forest.Its setting can be combined with forest and cutting roads to consider.The width is 20-50m.The width is not less than 1.5 times the average tree height, and the spacing is 5-8km.

Post time: Apr-01-2021